Arab Israeli Bible Society Recent News
Continuous Projects
- 1) Bible Quiz: Large number of schools and participants from all denominations and ages participate in the Bible Quiz. The goal of this project is to encourage the Christian identity and faithfulness to a deeper commitment to Christ and Christian values. The Bible Society reach thousands of people through this project.
- 2) Bible Summer Camps for Children: Every year we participate in more than 11 Bible Summer Camps for Children and provide thousands of children Bibles, devotional books and other spiritual materials.
- 3) Family Ministry: It focues on empowering women and families with the Word of God. “
This endeavor is running since 2013 in partnership with the Baptist Association in the Land. We have reached all the Evangelical Churches in Galilee and the Center through this Ministry. One Pastor expressed his joy by saying: ” We encourage all local churches to invest in the families, and to use the wonderful service of this ministry.
- New Projects
From the beginning of 2019 we launched several projects: First, our team developed a program on bullying and another on the effects of the internet, social media, and electronic games on our children.
The program was administered in one of the Large schools in the Nazareth area. Second, we are reaching towards youth in the Galilee region through workshops and meetings in their Churches and in our Center in Nazareth. Thirdly, reaching to families and youth in Ramleh and Lod, two cities in the Center of the country.
We thank the Lord for the wonderful opportunity to be part of meeting the needs there through Bible engagement and Bible distribution.
- 2019 Productions:
By the Grace of our Lord we were able to produce several materials for the family, youth and children of all
denominational families. We produced the book of Psalms (The Shepherd) for children and youth. - Two new volumes of our family magazine HAMASAT.
- We published the Pauline translation of the N.T for the Catholic family.
- We produced a Christmas Calendar for the advent with a verse for every day reading and meditation.